Sunday, February 22, 2009


It all went down in a special subway stop called 53rd and Lex. That's right , the station where Satan lives. The only station where subway riders can transfer from the second worst subway line (the 4-5-6) to the absolute worst line (the E) in Manhattan. It's where Queens folk meet upper east side folk for the first time. And it happens over and over again....everyday.

When you transfer from the downtown local 6 to the E it all MUST happen through ONE hallway and ONE particular stairway. A transaction that I would consider impossible if I hadn't seen it myself. This particular stairway has one small escalator; going UP for obvious reasons; and one do-it-yourself staircase; for those walking down. In this particular dark, urine infested corridor the simple rule to follow is: those going up take the escalator moving in that direction; those traveling down take the stairs. Sounds self explanatory....

On the morning that I am remembering, a bold young lady decided it was acceptable to try and walk UP the stairwell (instead of taking the escalator) while the E masses were walking DOWN on this very staircase. "Wow", I thought, "this girl has got balls!" She was breaking every unspoken rule about movement through this corridor. Although ballsy, I figured she would still get out alive. Even I underestimated the degree to which this stairwell rule needed to be followed. Stupid said girl successfully pushed her way up approximately 3/4 of the staircase when a man triple her size began to scream bloody murder.

His voice carried, "What do you think you're doing?! Who do you think you are?! Turn around and take the escalator you stupid bitch! Did your parents raise you this way?!" He repeated this over and over again. I thought about what he was saying. Was this actually something that our parents were to teach us about?? Wash your hands after you use the bathroom; always say please and thank you; respect your elders; follow stairway rules. For this large man, it was that simple. As she resisted and refused to turn around, he began to physically push her back down the stairs. His parents also taught him that pushing young ladies was acceptable if inforcing stairway rules. These people are crazy. I was also taught to mind my own business. That's exactly what I did. I scurried to the E as 2 concerned people alerted the nearest members of the NYPD.

Don't be like these two crazies, follow some easy rules.

1) I don't care where you are from. Follow the simple escalator rule. If you're standing and riding stay right. If you're walking and riding, pass on the left. In Australia this rule applies opposite. I quickly learned how to follow the Aussie system while there. Why don't you understand???

2) Do not rush to get in front of me as I'm approaching the stairs then proceed like a grandma with hemorrhoids. Can't you see the pace that I'm operating at? I win.

3) We all know its raining. You can wait until you exit the subway stairwell to open your umbrella. Although I do enjoy the poker in my eye as you awkwardly stop and release your 6 foot walking umbrella, I would rather see you melt when the 3 drops of mist hit your precious witch.

4) There are two acceptable paths up or down any staircase; the right side or the left. Not the middle. Only take the middle if you would like me to think horribly bad things about the size of your ass.

5) Why are you leaving your child in the stroller as you and some male stranger carry BOTH up the stairs? This demonstrates one thing and one thing only. You shouldn't be allowed to procreate.

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