Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Twice this week while walking down 6th Avenue I got caught in a sea of bubbles. Yes, like the kind you blew out of plastic holes as a kid. Apparently this street vendor disarms customers with effervescent floating circles. I guess bubbles get him in the mood. (ew.) But, its not just a few bubbles, it's hundreds floating around oblivious commuters. Now, while children might find bubbles entertaining, after the age of, oh…say 6, they lose their appeal. First of all, I see bubbles and instead of thinking "fun! I want to pop them!" I think, “hmm, if that soap gets in my eye it will hurt, but then I could sue for temporary blindness." Second, bubbles are gross. I don’t want that shit on my suit. I’m already trying to maneuver through the idiots on the sidewalk -- now I have to yield to your stupid bubbles? And what product is he trying to sell that correlates to bubbles? The freak mechanical puppy that backflips and barks like a poodle? It’s astonishing that he stands there blowing soap…into a crowd…and doesn’t get stabbed. Tomorrow I’m going to make him pay for my dry-cleaning bill. AND doctor’s bill…because I heard bubbles gives you cancer.

1 comment:

  1. "Tomorrow I’m going to make him pay for my dry-cleaning bill. AND doctor’s bill…because I heard bubbles gives you cancer."

    Love it... look at you dispelling the notion that girls aren't funny ;)
